This year, I was accepted to Patriot Academy's Delaware Leadership Congress, an event for young adults 16-25, to engage in realistic mock legislative sessions to teach us how our government functions. As a student, each one of us brings an orginal bill that we must pass through committee, defend on the floor, and have our governor sign.

Inspired by recent events, my bill was to amend North Carolina General Statute Chapter 891, S-2, $130A, to include a new statute that declares that the State of North Carolina will not enforce, reccommend, enact, or be subservient to any extraterritorial national, international, or global entity which enacts, recommends, or enforces policies and/or products and/or services that violate North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 891 Section 2 $130A-156 Medical Exemption", Chapter 891 Section 2 8130A-157 "Religious Exemption", Chapter 891 Section 2 8130A-158 "Restitution required when vaccine spoiled due to provider negligence", and Chapter 891 Section 2 8130A-158.5 "Access to North Carolina Immunization Registry."

Despite an effort to disqualify my bill by amending it to violate Patriot Academy legislative guidelines, my bill passed the floor near-unanimously and was quickly signed by the Leadership Congress governor!

I think this is an exceptional experience that every 16-25 year old should seriously consider. I found the process illuminating and very fun! I'll definitely attend next year!
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